© Copyright 2018 Fluid Equipment Development Company | www.fedco-usa.com
Basic Troubleshooting
If the MSD pump does not operate properly, refer to the following troubleshooting charts as a
guide to determining the concern and identifying the potential cause. If after consulting the
troubleshooting charts the cause is still undefined, contact FEDCO technical support by e-mail
(fedco-usa.com and choose the “
Service and Support
” tab), telephone or FAX. FEDCO will give
you easy, step by step instructions on how to proceed.
Visual Inspection
• Make sure all items are accounted for on the start up check list.
• Inspect all piping and electrical connections to the motor and pump.
Inspect the pump and motor mountings for signs of any movement or vibration.
• Inspect pressure gauges, switches and all other instrumentation for proper operation.
• Record any unusual readings.
Motor Grounded
with Correct
Power Needs?
Motor Speed
and Direction
Air Vented from System?
Sufficient Input Pressure?
Inlet Restrictions?
Inlet Piping Leaks?
Discharge Restictions?
Sufficient Output
Figure 100 - Basic Visual Inspection