Let the air out of the sponsons. Remove Cockpit Coaming.
Remove Gunwale and Chine Connector bars. Install Stern Deck
Bar into Keel Extension Bar. Take up tension with the Lever in
order to remove the Keel Extension Bar. Follow the rest of the
assembly steps in reverse order.
Packing the kayak in the bag
Put the seat cushion in the bag first, with the cushion facing
down, to give padding for your back. Next arrange the white
plastic crossribs over the seat. Stretch the sprayskirt over the
fibreglass coaming. Place this in the bag, over the crossribs.
Roll the kayak skin up tightly–fold the ends to the center of the
kayak; fold in half; roll tightly; secure with webbing ties. Place
this bundle in one side of the bag. Put aluminum frame parts
along side of the rolled up skin. Tuck all additional pieces
(ie: sea sock, repair kit) into any available space.
Lifting the Kayak
The webbing handles at the bow and stern ends can be used
to lift or carry.
Never lift or car ry a fully loaded kayak
Once clean and dry, the kayak can be stored assembled or
disassembled in a shaded, dry place. When storing the kayak
disassembled, take extension bar apart.
Feat hercr aft
K-Light Plus