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Once the bow and stern frame sections have been inserted
to the skin, they begin to take the curved shape of the
kayak. It will be easier to slide tubes together when the
tubes are in a straight line to each other.
When beginning to install the mid-connectors, pull the
stern chine bar towards the center of the kayak. Slide on
stern end of mid-connector. Pull bow section of
mid-connector forward, extending shockcord. Mid-con-
nector tubes will be “overlapped”. Pull bow chine tube to
center of skin to bring in line to mid-connector. Slide bow
end of mid-connector on to chine bar.
With both ends of the mid-connector now attached to the
chine tubes, push the mid-connector “out” towards the
outside of the skin. When the mid-connector tubes are in
line, pull back towards the center of the skin, and slide
sleeve over join.
Feat hercr aft
K-Light Plus
1 5
Pull tubes “in-line”
to each other to
slide easier.
Shockcord is extended.
Tubes are “overlapped”.
Note: When installing
frame parts in the
kayak, it is easier to be
situated on the opposite
side from the part you
are installing.
Bring mid-connector
tubes “together”.