FDT Technologies-
Enter in your camera’s UID first, you can find it on the sticker of your camera’s bottom or
side. Give your camera a name, and input right username and password to access it. The
default username is admin, the default password is admin too.
-Change the initial admin/admin username/password for the consideration of account
security. Give your camera a private username and password that known only by you, and
keep it secret.
-If you want to configure the wifi in this set up process, you can choose
to connect to
your wifi, or you can choose
to start the live view directly. You can also configure your
wifi in the wifi setting page after you added the camera into your App if you do not want to
configure it in this step.
-Please click the refresh icon to search the wifi AP list again if you did not find the wifi
SSID you want.
-Please input the right password of your wifi, and click next to set it into your camera.
-Then you can start live view of your camera and complete this set up process, and you
can access and control your camera now.