IEC 61000-4-4
lines ±1 kV for
input/output lines
Not applicable
that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.
IEC 61000-4-5
±1 kV differential mode.
±2 kV common mode
Not applicable
Mains power quality should be
that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment.
Voltage dips, short
interruptions and
voltage variations on
power supply input lines
IEC 61000-4-11
<5% UT (>95% dip in UT)
for 0.5 cycle 40% UT (60%
dip in UT) for 5 cycles 70%
UT(30% dip in UT) for 25
cycles <5% UT (>95% dip
in UT) for 5 sec
Not applicable
Mains power quality should be
that of a typical commercial or
hospital environment. If the user
of the TL-100Drequires continued
operation during power mains
interruptions, it is recommended
that the TL-100Dbe powered from
an uninterruptible power supply
or a battery.