A Product of Progress Mfg. Inc.
Appendix A - Troubleshooting Guide
Possible Cause
Suggested Correction
Trailer Sway:
Remember that
trailer sway is caused
by the combination
vehicle (tow vehicle/
trailer) configuration,
loading, or outside
forces. If you are
unsure what may be
causing your sway
issues, contact your
dealer or Fastway
customer support for
Light tongue weight
Get gross trailer weight
(GTW) and tongue weight
(TW). TW should be at
least 10% of GTW. Follow
the trailer manufacturer’s
guidelines for TW.
Reposition the load in
the trailer as needed to
achieve correct TW/GTW
ratio. Remove cargo carriers
or 2nd trailer from rear of
trailer. See Appendix B.
Improperly rated or
under-inflated tires
Inflate tires correctly, or
replace with properly rated
Tow capacity
Reduce TW and GTW or use
a tow vehicle with sufficient
tow ratings. DO NOT TOW if
either capacity is exceeded.
Hitch undersized
Check to make sure your
GTW and TW do not exceed
your hitch’s tow ratings. If
either does, DO NOT TOW.
Purchase an e2 hitch with a
higher rating.
Not enough weight
Follow the instructions to
correct underadjustment
(Step 7) by adding spacer
washers or raising the
L-brackets. See Appendix B.
Tow vehicle too high
in front
Front end feels floaty
Trailer nose is too high
or too low
Incorrect shank
Consult your local e2
hitch dealer about using a
specialty shank.
Use the Shank Selector tool
on fastwaytrailer.com to
determine the correct shank
for your setup.