Discovering your Mozza
Packing list
The Mozza is delivered with the following parts:
one MOZZA optical module including a AOTF crystal and two MCT photodiodes
three pedestal posts
one power supply cable and one USB cable (1.80 m)
one grounding cable
one FLASH Drive including software and manual
one paper version of this user manual, including the test sheet
All items are packed in one single crate. The Mozza crate is re-usable and should be kept
for further servicing.
Mozza Serial Number
The Serial Number provides essential information about the MOZZA and is indicated on the
MOZZA test sheet, and on a sticker inside and on the box of MOZZA module.
All MOZZA serial numbers have the same structure: MOZZA1-1-5-xxxx where x are num-
bers. The last four numbers indicate the number of the machine.
Mozza Test sheet
At the end of the paper version of this manual, the test sheet for your MOZZA is provided.
This ensures that your MOZZA’s functionalities have been tested on calibration sources, with
satisfactory results.