Upgrading the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator
To upgrade the Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator to a more recent version, replace the
installation file on the network share with the updated DF6Ent.EXE application and complete the
previous procedure.
Installing the Deep Freeze Workstation installation file and
Workstation Seed File
The Deep Freeze workstation install files and Workstation Seed files are the workstation level
components of Deep Freeze that need to be installed on all workstations that protected by Deep
Freeze. The following procedure assumes that you already have created the Deep Freeze installation file
or the Seed file and are ready to install.
You do not need to install both the workstation installation file and the Workstation Seed. The
workstation installation file contains a full copy of the Workstation Seed and is installed when you run
the full workstation installation. The Workstation Seed should only be installed if you want to use the
Deep Freeze Enterprise Console to push the workstation installation file to workstations rather than
using Altiris.
To Install the Workstation Installation or Seed Files:
Copy the Seed or the workstation installation file to a share on the network that the
workstation can access.
In the Altiris Deployment Console, from the
menu, select
Job Wizard