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Cisco ANA Overview
Cisco Active Network Abstraction (ANA) provides service providers and other carrier-grade network operators with a
comprehensive solution for network element and service management. Cisco ANA is a comprehensive solution that includes
automated service activation, discovery, monitoring, event de-duplication, and root-cause analysis. Cisco ANA supports all major
Cisco service provider network elements, as well as a wide variety of network technologies including Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS), Carrier Ethernet, and Unified RAN Backhaul references architectures.
Active Network Abstraction
What’s New in Release 3.7.2
“ANA is a unique
model-based virtual
network abstraction
that supports
CSPs’ three critical
challenges… it is
years ahead of
— Patrick Kelly
Research Director
Analysys Mason
Cisco ANA offers comprehensive functions in element, network, and service management
with the following key benefits:
Best-in-class deep multilayer technology support: Activation, discovery, topology
visualization, and monitoring of all aspects of MPLS/IP, Carrier Ethernet, and Unified RAN
Backhaul architectures
Element management system (EMS) for all major Cisco device and OS families: CRS-1,
7600, ASR 9000, ASR 1000, Cisco IOS
Software, Cisco IOS XE Software, Cisco IOS XR
Software, and more
Integrated network and service wide fault monitoring and fault analysis
Standards-compliant information model and northbound interface for integration
Carrier-class scale and performance
Field customizable and extensible with built-in tools, partner programs, and Cisco
Advanced Services
New in Cisco ANA Release 3.7.2
Lower total cost of ownership (TCO):
Inclusion of an embedded database and support for Linux servers significantly reduces
ANA deployment and maintance cost.
Simplified deployment and maintenance:
New, independent virtual network element (VNE) driver packages provide timely
support of device software and hardware releases independent of ANA releases. The introduction of an integrated Gateway
High Availability solution simplifies high availability deployment.
Improved scale:
Triple concurrent user support and an 80 percent increase in the device number in element management
Optimized communication with devices:
Event-based VNEs reduce the polling load on the device and provide timely updates
of network configuration.
Enhanced element management:
Improved usability and extended device coverage in configuration and image management;
secured communication of events information with the introduction of secure syslog.
See Table 1 for additional new features and enhancements of Cisco ANA.