The machine is made in accordance with the latest equipment state and approved safety regulations.
However, dangers of user or third person injury or machine damage or creation of other material
damage may arise during use.
Use the machine only in a technically sound condition, in accordance with its purpose, aware of
possible dangers, and while adhering to the safety instructions of this operating manual!
The manufacturer is not liable for damages caused by the use of the machine that is in contradiction
with the limit parameters of the machine and with the instructions for the use of the machine. The user
bears the risk.
Immediately remove especially the failures that may negatively affect safety!
Machine operation may be performed by a person authorised by the operator under these conditions:
It must own a valid driver's licence of the corresponding category,
It must be demonstrably familiarised with the safety regulations for work with the machine and
must practically master the machine operation,
The machine may not be operated by juveniles,
It must know the meaning of the safety signs located on the machine. Their respecting is
important for safe and reliable machine operation.
Maintenance and servicing repairs on the machine may only be performed by a person:
Authorised by the operator,
Educated in the machinery field with knowledge of repairs of similar machines,
Demonstrably familiarised with safety regulations for work with the machine,
During a repair of a machine connected to a tractor, it must own a driver's licence of the
corresponding category.
Machine operator must secure the safety of other persons when working with the machine or
transporting the machine.
During machine work in the field or during transport, the operator must control the machine from the
tractor's cabin.
The operator may enter the machine structure only with the machine at rest and blocked against
movement, namely only for these reasons:
Adjustment of the machine working parts,
Repair and maintenance of the machine.
When climbing on the machine, do not step on the axle tyres, rollers or other revolving parts. Those
may turn and you can cause very serious injuries by the subsequent fall.
Any changes or modifications of machine may be performed only with written consent of the
manufacturer. For possible damage arisen due to ignoring this instruction, the producer bears no
responsibility. The machine must be maintained equipped with prescribed accessories and equipment
including safety marking. All warning and safety signs must be legible and in their places. In case of
damage or loss, these signs must be immediately renewed.
The operator must have the Operating Manual with the work safety requirements available at any
time when working with the machine.
The operator must not consume alcohol, medicines, narcotic and hallucinogenic substances that
decrease his attention and coordination capabilities while using the machine. If the operator must use
medicines prescribed by a physician or uses freely sold medicines, he must be informed by a physician,
whether he is capable of responsible and safe operation of the machine under these circumstances.
For the operation and maintenance use
Tight clothes
Protective gloves and goggles for protection against dust and sharp parts
of the machine