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Pressurized Relief Procedure
This equipment can be pressurized. Fluid under high pressure can be in-
jected through the skin and cause serious injury. To reduce the risk of an
injury from injection, splashing fluid, or moving parts, follow the pressure
relief procedure whenever you:
Are instructed to relieve pressure
Check, clean or service any of the system equipment
Install or clean the nozzle
1. Turn off the power supply to the pump
Trigger the valve into a waste container to relieve pressure
Open any bleed-type master air valves and fluid drain valves
in the system
Leave the drain valve open until you are ready to pressurize
the system
If you suspect that the dispensing valve, extension, or nozzle is clogged or that pres
sure has not been fully relieved after following the steps above, very slowly loosen
a fitting on the fluid line to relieve pressure gradually, then loosen it completely and
clear the clog
To reduce the risk of serious injury, including fluid injection, never exceed
the maximum working pressure of the valve you are using or of the low
est rated component in your system.
NOTE: Before you begin, make sure you understand how to unlock the trigger
Pull the trigger toward the valve body to open the valve and begin dispensing
Lock the valve open by keeping the trigger squeezed and depressing the
trigger lock button. Then release the trigger, releasing your forefinger from the
trigger lock last
Pull the trigger toward the valve body to release the trigger lock. Once the
trigger lock disengages, release the trigger to stop dispensing.
1. The manufacturer warrantees this product against defects in material and
craftsmanship, for a period of five years from date of purchase (but not includ
ing wearing parts)
Manufacturer’s liability is limited to replacement or repair of defective material
within the warranty period, when returned freight prepaid to the distributor or
their designated service depot
The warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, misuse or faulty
4. The product must be installed and maintained in compliance with the instruc-