Fargo Electronics, Inc.
CardJet 410 Card Printer/Encoder and Persona CardJet C7 Printer User Guide (Rev. 6.1)
IC (Integrated Circuit), 8-7
ID (Identification), 8-8
ID software applications, 4-63
Illegal Black Ink Cartridge, 3-13
illegal Card Cartridge, 2-55, 3-13, 3-17
Illegal Color Ink Cartridge, 3-13
illegal Ink Cartridge, 2-55, 3-18
Illegal Ink Cartridge Detection (via Ink LED), 2-47
Image, 8-8
Image Color tab, 2-22, 2-53
Image Position tab, 2-22, 2-53, 4-49, 4-50
Improper Black Ink Cartridge, 3-14
Improper Color Ink Cartridge, 3-14
Improperly installed color Ink Cartridges, 2-47
Improperly seated Card Cartridge, 2-47
incorrect Card Cartridge, 2-40
Incorrect Card Cartridge Detection, 2-47
Infrared Bar Codes, 2-22, 2-53
Initial Card Feed Error, 2-48
Ink and Card Cartridges, 2-26
Ink Cartridge, 2-50
Ink Cartridge calibration, 2-48
Ink Cartridge Capacity, 2-15
Ink Cartridge Cradle, 2-5, 2-28, 2-30
Ink Cartridge nozzles, 2-29
Ink Cartridge Tag Detection (via Ink LED)
Bad tag, 2-
Ink Cartridges, 2-27
Ink Cartridges, improperly installed, 2-10, 2-49
Ink Cartridges, out of ink, 2-10, 2-49
Ink Error Recovery (See Ink LED), 2-50
Ink LED, 2-10, 2-49, 3-18
Ink LED (bad tag), 2-51, 2-56, 3-18
Ink LED (empty Ink Cartridge), 2-50
Ink LED (illegal Ink Cartridge), 2-51
Ink LED error light, 2-51
Ink LED light, 2-28, 2-30
Ink Level Gauge, 2-15, 2-52
Ink Level Monitoring, 2-51
Ink Levels, 2-59
Ink Low message, 2-59
Ink Out message, 2-59
ink run out, 2-27
ink running low, 2-27
InkJetUC-5 Bad Card Cartridge Tag Detection, 2-51
InkJetUC-6 Illegal Ink Cartridge Detection (See Ink
LED), 2-51
Input, 8-8
input Hopper, 2-35
Input Hopper, 2-52, 8-8
install Card Cartridge, 2-36
Installing Ink Cartridge Detection (See Ink LED), 2-52
Interchangeable Commercial parts, 2-52
Interface, 2-16
Interface to PC and Power Supply, 2-65
Interface to the PC, 2-52
Intermediate Clean button, 4-71
ISO, 8-8
ISO 7811-2 magnetic stripe, 4-60
ISO encoded data format, 4-53, 4-54
ISO Standard selections, 4-57
ISO Track Locations, 4-60
LAN (Local Area Network), 8-8
Landscape, 8-8
LCD display, 4-52
LED (Light Emitting Diode), 8-8
LED (Paper Sensor), 2-55
LED error light, 2-38, 2-40, 2-48, 2-56
LED Indicators, 2-55, 2-56
LED, Sensor and Error Message malfunction indicators,
LED, Sensor, Error Message malfunction indicators, 2-40
Loading Card Cartridge, 2-32, 2-33
Loading Cartridges in Printer, 2-26
Loading Ink Cartridges, 2-28, 2-29, 2-30
LRC Generation, 2-24, 2-54, 4-57
LRC Generation Mode, 4-57
Mag encoding, 8-8
Mag stripe, 8-8
Mag Track, 8-8
Mag Verify, 8-8
Magnetic Data Error, 3-16
Magnetic Encoding Module, 3-16, 3-19
Magnetic Encoding tab, 2-24, 2-54, 4-51
magnetic stripe encoding process, 4-51
magnetic stripe verification, 4-52
magnetic track data, 4-63
Magnetic Track options, 4-54
Magnetic Track Options
Bit Density, 2-24, 2-54
Magnetic Track Options, 4-53
Magnetic Track Options, 4-53
Magnetic Track Selection, 2-24, 2-54
Malfunction indicators, 2-55
Manual Eject Each Error option, 4-52
manual eject mode, 4-52
MB (Megabyte), 8-9
Mechanism, 3-15
Memory, 2-16, 8-9
Menu, 8-9
misfed / stuck card, 2-41
mistakenly-verified card, 4-52
Monochrome, 8-9
Monochrome/Color Cartridge, 2-59
Network, 8-9
Non empty Ink Cartridges, 2-45
non Fargo-certified Card Cartridge is installed, 2-9
non Fargo-certified Cartridge installed, 2-10, 2-49
non-Fargo Certified Supplies, 2-27
Normal Card Printing, 2-57
Normal print quality, 2-16