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If multicast is a new "group of 1", because "the priority group 1" is 2, higher than the current call
"priority group 2" 3, so multicast call will can come in.
If multicast is a new "group of 3", because "the priority group 3" is 4, lower than the current call
"priority group 2" 3, "1" will listen to the equipment and maintain the "group of 2".
Multicast service
when configured ok, our key press shell on the corresponding equipment, equipment directly
into the Talking interface, the premise is to ensure no current multicast call and 3-way of the case, the
multicast can be established.
IP port and priority configuration monitoring device, when the call is initiated and incoming
multicast, directly into the Talking interface equipment.
Action URL
Action URL Event Settings
URL for various actions performed by the phone. These actions are recorded and sent as xml files to the
server. Sample format is http://InternalServer /FileName.xml