Step 1
Step 2
You will need
4 x Dowels
You will need
Phillips head
4 x Hinges
8 x Screws
2 x Handles
4 x Screws
8 x Cam Bolts
Attach 4 x Hinges (H4) to Left & Right Door Panels (P9&P10) as shown with 8 x Screws (H5)
Secure 2 x Handles (H7) to the front of Left & Right Door Panels (P9&P10) with 4 x Handle
by tightening with the Phillips Head Screwdriver.
Screws (H8) by tightening with the Phillips Head Screwdriver.
4 x Cam Nuts
Insert 4 x Dowels (H3) & 4 x Cam Nuts (H1) into Left & Right Side Panels (P1&P2) as
shown. Attach 8 x Cam Bolts (H2) to Left & Right Side Panels (P1&P2) by tightening
with the Phillips Head Screwdriver.