10. Record each of these readings, then calculate the average torque reading. Record the plate
sticking time.
11. Turn the regulator handle counterclockwise until the diaphragm pressure is not felt. Then
open the bleed-off valve.
C. Dis-assembly and Cleaning
1. Remove the empty CO
cartridge (if spent.)
2. Remove the torque wrench and socket.
3. Pull pin [26] and remove the CO
assembly [2].
4. Remove the top valve stem [17].
5. Loosen the cell cap [6], then unscrew and remove it. If the torque plate remains stationary
while loosening and unscrewing the cell cap, carefully push it through the lid by its stem.
Refer to Fig. 3.
6. Tip the Sticking Tester with the cell attached to empty the sample.
7. Gently wash the sample from the edge of the torque plate.
8. TWIST the torque plate off the cake. Note the diameter of the depression from the torque
plate if this is less than 2 inches or if any cake is adhering to the edge of the torque plate,
estimate the edge height from the filter paper.
NOTE: If the cake is stuck to the torque plate rather than to the filter paper,
the test is invalid. Repeat the test using the locking mesh in Step
A-1. above.
9. If not already removed in Step 6 above, remove the torque plate from the cell cap, being
careful not to scratch the polished surface.
10. Using the special wrench [3], unscrew the hold down ring, then remove the slip ring, and
gasket. Remove the lock mesh, filter paper, and filter cake together. Examine the cake as
11. Remove screw [26] then remove the Cell from the stage.
12. Clean all parts thoroughly. Polish surfaces whenever any corrosion is noted.
13. Lubricate threads, and examine all "O" rings and replace as needed. Lubricate all "O" rings
with Lubriseal or a similar lubricant.