Alarm signals
The F&P 950 Respiratory Humidifier has visual and audible alarms to warn about interruptions to treatment� These
alarms are generated by an intelligent alarm system, which processes information from the sensors and target settings of
the unit and compares this information to pre-programmed limits�
Alarm type
Mute/unmute alarm
2 minutes�
Text or animation tutorial
Demonstrates corrective action – see
“alarm conditions” table on the
next page�
Alarm conditions
All possible alarm conditions are listed on the following pages, and all are classified as medium or low priorities�
As the F&P 950 Respiratory Humidifier does not include patient monitoring, these alarms are considered technical
indicators of humidifier performance� It is possible to have multiple alarm conditions occur simultaneously; under these
conditions the humidifier uses an internal ranking system to display the highest-ranked alarm�
Medium priority alarms have been designed to be detectable within one meter of the heaterbase, with the alarm signal
being three beeps repeated every five seconds�
Low priority alarms have been designed to be detectable within one meter of the heaterbase, with the alarm signal being
one beep repeated every five seconds�
Checking alarm system functionality
Do not remove breathing circuit when connected to a patient� Failure to comply may compromise
safety, including serious patient harm�
To check alarm functionality, remove the heated breathing tube at any time while the humidifier is powered on
but not
connected to a patient
� This action should activate the “Disconnection” visual and audible alarms� If either signal is
absent, do not use the humidifier� Contact your servicing department for assistance�
In the event of an unexpected shutdown, the humidifier shall resume the operating mode and alarm settings (except
algorithm-based alarms) prior to the reset if the interruption is less than or equal to 30 seconds�