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Voltage indicator,
F&F Filipowski L.P.
Konstantynowska 79/81, 95-200 Pabianice, POLAND
phone/fax (+48 42) 215 23 83 / (+48 42) 227 09 71
www.fif.com.pl; e-mail: [email protected]
Do not dispose of this device in the trash along with other waste!
to the Law on Waste, electro coming from households free of charge and
can give any amount to up to that end point of collec� on, as well as to sto-
re the occasion of the purchase of new equipment (in accordance with the
principle of old-for-new, regardless of brand). Electro thrown in the trash or
abandoned in nature, pose a threat to the environment and human health.
The WN-723S voltage indicator is designed for continuous me-
asurement and optical visualization of the voltage value in a
three-phase network. Blanks the screen when idle. The indicator
is activated by a touch button.
The indicated voltage range is 180÷270 V with a reading accura-
cy of 10 V. The switched on LED light indicates the voltage value
described on its height. The voltage value between 190 V and
260 V is indicated by the green LEDs. The extreme values 180 V
and 270 V are indicated by a red LED. Voltage lower than 180 V
is indicated by the 180 V red LED flashing. Voltage higher than
270 V is indicated by the flashing of the diode located at the
top, or in the case of operation in "bar" mode – flashing of the
entire bargraph.
The device can operate in "bar" or "single diode" mode. The se-
lection is made by shorting (or not) terminals 7-8.
When the power is turned on, the voltage value is displayed for