4 1/2 ft
(1.4 m)
Activation/Deceleration Distance
Maximum allowable length of cable or web that may payout from the SRD once
deceleration of the user has begun and after a fall event occurs
1 1/2 ft
(0.5 m)
Harness Stretch and Dorsal D-Ring Shift
Combined amount of harness webbing elongation and dorsal D-ring up-shift during entire
fall event
5 ft
(1.5 m)
Height of Dorsal D-Ring
Typical average height of the dorsal D-ring on a user’s full body harness measured from
the walking/working surface up
1 1/2 ft
(0.5 m)
Safety Factor
Added length to account for other factors such as an improperly adjusted harness, actual
worker height or worker weight
12 1/2 ft
(3.9 m)
Total Minimum Clear Fall Distance Required
1. Overhead Anchorage 2. Walking/Working Surface 3. Nearest Lower Level or Obstruction
Figure 4 - Minimum Clear Fall Requirement: ANSI Class B Self Retracting Lanyard
MFBH04 Rev A
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