24. To prevent water entering the vessel
If you want to keep the roof hatch open at sea, secure it with the locking mechanisms
(HT and Cabin models). If the hatch opens accidentally while the boat is in motion,
it may result in personal injury. Also secure other hatches and doors in closed
or open position.
The bilge pumping system is not designed for damage control (e.g. leakage due to
running aground).
Check the functioning of all bilge pumps regularly. Clear pump suction inlets from
24.1 Openings in the hull and deck
The locations of the outlets/inlets and their closing valves are illustrated in section 22. Location of the
equipment. We recommend closing the valves (except for rain water drainage in the open deck space)
when the boat is left without crew.
24.2 Bilge pumps and drainage
Before leaving make sure there is no water in the bilge.
The location of the bilge pump is shown in section 22. Location of the equipment.
Check regularly that there is no debris in the bilge pump suction inlets.
It is
owner’s/operator’s responsibility to see to it that there is at least one bucket or bailer in the boat
for emptying and that it is secured against disappearing.
24.3 High bilge water level alarm
Your boat may be equipped with a high bilge water alarm. The alarm (light) works in such a way that if
water accumulates in the bilge, the indicator light on the switch panel lights up. When the indicator light
comes on, the bilge should be checked immediately, and any water accumulated in the bilge should be