Page 18
Reconnect the AC power cord to the rear of the unit.
Switch the equipment On
set the jumper JP1 to its LEFT (external) position: as soon as the Jumper will be set, the three front
LEDs OPERATE, PC-LINK and ALARM will light firmly
Remove and set again the Jumper in its Left position quickly: the OPERATE LED will turn Off
Now, remove and quickly set again the Jumper in its Left position: the PC-LINK LED will also turn Off
As third step, remove and set again the Jumper in its Left position very fast: all LEDs will start blinking
At this moment, the Reset has not been already performed and You still have a ‘back door’ to get the
system back to work without loosing its current configuration. In the event You would like not to reset
the unit any more, switch off and then on again. If You want to still reset the unit, wait till the end of
blinking sequence: as soon as the OPERATE LED will resume to blink, the generale reset is
successfully performed.