Not OK Not okay, solution:
Check if all warning- and safety stickers are
readable and complete.
Replace the stickers by original Falco stickers.
Check if the type plate is in place and readable.
Replace the type plate with an original Falco type
plate with correct serial number.
Check if the maximum capacity sticker is in place
and readable.
Place a new sticker with the correct maximum
capacity indication (3500kg).
Check if all control buttons are clearly
recognizable, the difference between lifting and
lowering must be recognizable at all times.
Replace the stickers for indication of the control
buttons by original Falco stickers.
Check the cleanliness of the work area under and
around the lift.
Clean the work area and remove obstacles out of
the safety zone.
Check if the safety zone around the lift is marked,
the safety zone should meet the standards
described in chapter 3.
Mark the safety zone.
All these checkpoints have tob e checked every 3 months! Once a year they have tob e inspected by a certified company and/or specialized person. Every
check/inspection has tob e registered in the included Maintenance/Inspection legenda.
Valkenpower bv. remains adhered for every inspection prescribed by law.