Unit Dimension
: 80 x 120 x 40
Type BF apparatus
This device conforms to the following standards:
DIN EN 60601-1: 3/96 “Medical electrical equipment”
Part 1: General requirements for safety
DIN EN 1060-1: 12/95, AMD 1 09/02 “Non-invasive
Part 1: General requirements
D I N E N 1 0 6 0 - 3 : 9 / 9 7 “ N o n - i n v a s i v e
Part 3: Supplementary requirements for electro-
mechanical blood pressure measuring systems
Before Use
Installing / Replacing Batteries
1-Insert the batteries into the battery compartment
matching correct polarities "+" and "-".
2- Replace all batteries if the low battery indicator appears.
3- Remove the batteries if the device will not be used for
a long period of time.
It is recommended that the same type of alkaline
batteries be used to avoid incompatibility.
Attaching the Pressure Cuff
1- Wrap the cuff around bareskinned left arm.