User Manual
Flame is invisible in the sun; it bevomes harmful when carelessly used.
The top turns scalding hot in use. Do not touch or push.
Ensure that the flame is out when putting down the Pencil Torch
Keep away from flammable materials.
Do not place or refill the torch near flame, heater or flammable materials.
Do not place it in the sun or a place where the temperature exceeds 25°C
Do not keep it in the car on a hot day.
Use in a well-ventilated place.
Do not soak it in water.
Keep away from children
Your JET-503 Pencil Torch is simple to use.
Slide the switch to On or Off.
Press ball at the end to ignite. The torch ignites automatically, thanks to its hi-tech, state-of-the-art
Piezo electronic ignition system.
Slide regulator to adjust flame height.
Draw out the inner-loaded support if necessary
Ensure that the switch is off while refilling. Press container nozzle down vertically into refill
opening. Gas will overflow when full. After filling, allow a few minutes for gas to stabilize before
probable cause
Unable to ignite
1. No fuel
2. Gas pressure too high or
1. Refill with Butane gas
2. Slide regulator to a lower or
higher position
Gas overflowing
Setting too high
Adjust flame regulator gradually and
ignite again
Low gas pressure
Fuel is cold
1. Refuel
2. Hold torch in hands to warm it up