background image


Hood Description - Fig. 1

1. Light Switch
2. Motor Speed Switch
3. Light Covers - illumination of the Cooking


4. Grease Filters
5. Grease Filter Support Grate (the grease filters

are located inside).

6. Light Cover Supports
7. Pull-Out Drawer

Using the hood

The hood is provided with several speeds. For
the best performance, we recommend using the
low speeds in normal conditions and the high
speeds in particular cases of strong odour and
vapour concentration.
Pull out the drawer to access the control panel.
We recommend starting up the hood a few
minutes before cooking and keeping it running
until all the odours have been eliminated.

Model with Self-supporting Metal

Removing the Grease Filters 

- Fig. 2

a. Remove the pull-out drawer completely.
b. Press the side handles A towards the opposite

side and remove the filters.

Putting the Filters Back in Place

a. Remove the pull-out drawer completely and

mount the grease filter so that it covers the

b. Close the drawer and install the remaining

grease filter.

Opening the Light Cover Support  

- Fig. 2

a. Remove the pull-out drawer completely.
b. Push the B knobs inwards toward each other

(in the “Open” direction as indicated on the
plastic knob itself).

Model with Grease Filter Support

Opening the Grease Filter Support Grates

- Fig. 3
Extract the pull-out drawer completely.
b. Push the B knobs inwards toward each other

(in the “Open” direction as indicated on the
plastic knob itself).

c. To remove the grates completely, use the N

spring fasteners, which act as pins to hold the
grate in place (Fig. 4).



Before performing any maintenance operation,
isolate the hood from the electrical supply by
switching off at the connector and removing the
connector fuse.
Or if the appliance has been connected through
a plug and socket, then the plug must be removed
from the socket.

Metal Grease Filter

The metal grease filter serves to trap grease
particles by suspending them.
The metal grease filter lasts forever and must be
washed either by hand or in the dishwasher
(65°C) with suitable detergents.
The grease filters must be washed at least
once a month.
Let the filter dry without damaging it before putting
it back into place.
Removing the Grease Filters (for models
wtih grease filter support grates)
Isolate the hood from the electrical supply.
b. Extract the pull-out drawer completely.
c. Open the grates that support the grease


d. Remove the L fasteners for the grease filter

and remove it (Fig. 5).

When washing the grease filter, wash the grate
as well with warm soapy water.

Carbon filter

This filter dissolves cooking odours.
The carbon filter must never be washed.
It should be changed every 4 months in
normal use.

Mounting the carbon filter:
Isolate the hood from the electrical supply.
b. Extract the pull-out drawer completely.
c. Remove the grease filters and open the light

cover support (or the grease filter support

d. Install the charcoal filter so that it covers the

plastic grate which protects the ventilation fan
(Fig.  6).

e. Turn the center handle of the carbon filter in

the clockwise direction until it locks in place.

f. Refit the grease filters and the light cover

support (or the grease filter support grates).

Removing the carbon filter:
Turn the center handle of the carbon filter in the
counterclockwise direction and remove the filter
from its seat

Summary of Contents for 3CC-239E X

Page 1: ...agem e utilização Prescriptions de montage et mode d emploi Instruction on mounting and use Montage und Gebrauchsanweisung Instrukce pro montá a pou ití In trukcie k montá i a pou itie Montagevoorschriften en gebruiksaanwijzing E P F GB D CZ SK NL ...

Page 2: ...Fig 1 Abb 1 Obr 1 Afb 1 Fig 2 Abb 2 Obr 2 Afb 2 Fig 5 Abb 5 Obr 5 Afb 5 Fig 3 Abb 3 Obr 3 Afb 3 Fig 4 Abb 4 Obr 4 Afb 4 L Fig 6 Abb 6 Obr 6 Afb 6 ...

Page 3: ... de lado operação 1 no caso de ser necessário deslocar para a frente o furo destinado ao tubo de expulsão dos fumos coloque de novo o molde em posição operação 2 a 3 ou 4 cm da parede de trás E P F GB D Upevnìní rozpìrky 3 4 cm a nástropních svítidel operace 1 Pokud bude tøeba pøemístit smìrem dopøedu otvor který je tøeba vyvrtat na podvìsné èásti umístíme ablonu na vrtání operace 2 ve vzdálenosti...

Page 4: ......

Page 5: ... c Paraquitarcompletamentelasrejillasaccionar los resortes de fijación N que actúan como pernodedichasrejillas Fig 4 Mantenimiento Desconectarelaparatodelaredeléctricaantes deefectuarcualquieroperacióndemantenimiento Filtro de grasa metálico Posee la función de retener las partículas de grasaensuspensión Elfiltrometálicotieneduraciónilimitadaypuede lavarse a mano o en lavavajillas 65 con detergent...

Page 6: ...oduce en el ambiente Si la campana no está dotada de filtro de carbón hay que pedirlo y montarlo antes del uso Se recurre a este sistema en locales donde no exista la tubería de expulsión o cuando no sea posiableinstalarla E Instalación El aparato en servicio tiene que quedar a una distanciade65cm porencimadelaencimerade cocinaeléctrica ya75cm porlomenosencaso de cocinas o encimeras a gas o mixtas...

Page 7: ... conformegravado no plástico do próprio fecho c Para retirar completamente as grelhas manobrarasmolasdefixaçãoNquefuncionam como pernos das próprias grelhas fig 4 Manutenção Desligar o aparelho da rede eléctrica antes de efectuar qualquer operação de manutenção Filtro metálico de gorduras Serve para reter as partículas de gordura em suspensão Ofiltrometálicotemumaduraçãoilimitadaedeve ser lavado a...

Page 8: ...emdeserigualaodoanel Nas partes horizontais o tubo deverá estar ligeiramenteinclinado 10 aproximadamente paracima parafacilitaracanalizaçãodosvapores para o exterior Se o exaustor já estiver equipado com filtro de carbono este tem de ser retirado Modo de recirculação Oarédepuradomediantefiltrosacarvãoactivo 2 filtros e retorna ao ambiente Se o exaustor não estiver equipado com filtro de carbono es...

Page 9: ... na etiqueta de características situada na parte interna da coifa Se completo de plug conectar a coifa a uma tomada conforme as normasvigentes postaemzonaacessível Senãocompletodeplug conexãodiretaàrede aplicaruminterruptorbipolarconformenormas comumadistânciaentrecontactosemabertura nãoinferiora3mm acessível Nãonosassumimosnenhumaresponsabilidade porinconvenientesdevidosàfaltadeobservância dasdis...

Page 10: ...utre direction Open commeimprimésur le verrou c Pour ôter complètement les grilles agissez sur les ressorts de fixation N qui servent de pivot des grilles Fig 4 Entretien Débrancher l appareil du réseau électrique avant de procéder Filtre à graisse métallique Ilapourtâchedebloquerlesparticulesdegraisse ensuspension Le filtre à graisse métallique a une durée de vie illimitée et doit être lavé à la ...

Page 11: ...danslapièce Si la hotte est livrée sans filtre à charbon celui ci doit être commandé et monté avant la mise en service Cette utilisation est conseillée lorsque l on ne dispose pas d un conduit d évacuation vers l extérieuretlorsqueilestimpossibledeleréaliser F Installation L appareilenservicenedoitpasêtreplacéàune distanceduplandetravailinférieureà65cmpour les tables de cuisson à feux électriques ...

Page 12: ...GB Maintenance Beforeperforminganymaintenanceoperation isolate the hood from the electrical supply by switchingoffattheconnectorandremovingthe connector fuse Oriftheappliancehasbeenconnectedthrough aplugandsocket thentheplugmustberemoved from the socket Metal Grease Filter The metal grease filter serves to trap grease particlesbysuspendingthem Themetalgreasefilterlastsforeverandmustbe washed eithe...

Page 13: ...dwithcarbonfilter then it must be ordered and mounted This version is used when there is no exhaust ductforventingoutdoorsorwhenitisimpossible toinstallone Installation Wheninstalled thedistancebetweenhoodand burners must be not less than 65 cm above electric burners or 75 cm above gas or mixed fuel burners Warning The hood cannot be connected to flues of otherappliancesthatrunonenergysources othe...

Page 14: ...der Roste die Haltefedern N die als Zapfen für die Roste fungieren betätigen Abb 4 Wartung Das Gerät ist vor jeder Wartungsarbeit vom Stromnetzabzuschalten Metallfettfilter DieserhatdieAufgabe dieindenKüchendünsten enthaltenenFettpartikelzurückzuhalten UnbegrenzteLebensdauer Dieser FilteristmindestenseinmalimMonatin einer lauwarmen Spülmittellauge oder wenn möglich imSpülautomaten bei65 C zureinig...

Page 15: ...rhanden ist Installation Das installierte Gerät muss in einem Mindestabstandvon65cmvonderKochfläche bei Elektroherden und von 75 cm bei Gas oder GasKombiherdenangebrachtwerden Achtung WenndieDunstabzugshaubegleichzeitigmit Geräten die nicht mit elektrischer Energie betrieben werden in Betrieb ist darf der Unterdruck des Raumes 4 pa 4 x 10 5 bar nichtüberschreiten DieAbluftdarfnichtineinenSchachtge...

Page 16: ...a Pøed provádìním jakéhokoliv údr báøského zásahu musíbýtzaøízeníodpojenoodelektrické sítì KOVOVÝFILTRNAZACHYCENÍTUKÙ Jehofunkcíjezadr ovatèásticetukunacházející se ve vzduchu Má neomezenou ivotnost a musí být umýván ruènì ve vla né vodì se saponátem nebo v umývaècenádobí 650 Kovové filtry musejí být umývány alespoò jedenkrát za mìsíc Døívene namontujetezpìtfiltrmastnot nechte jejbezpo kozenídobøe...

Page 17: ...líkem 2filtry a pak opìt uvádìn do prostøedí Pokuddigestoønemáfiltrysaktivnímuhlím je tøeba je objednat a namontovat je tì pøed pou itím Toto pou ití se aplikuje pokud není k dispozici trubice pro odvádìní vzduchu ven a není ji ani mo noinstalovat Instalace Zaøízenívprovozumusíbýtodpracovníplochy vzdáleno nejménì 65 cm pokud jsou pou ity elektrické vaøièe v pøípadì vaøièù na plyn nebo smí ených75 ...

Page 18: ...poramrie ok Obr 4 Údr ba Odpoji prístrojodelektrickejsietipredzahájením akejko vekoperácieúdr by Filter proti mastnotám Jehofunkciajezadr iava mastnoty ktorésúvo vzduchu Máneobmedzenútrvanlivos amô eby umytý vodou èi vla ným rozpú adlom alebo v myèke riadu 65 st Filter proti mastnotám musí by umývaný aspoò raz mesiaène Nehajte filter proti mastnotám osu i bez po kodeniaapotomopä dajtenamiesto K vy...

Page 19: ...y a potom opä uvádzaný do prostredia Ak odsávaè nie je vybavený filtry s aktívnym uhlíkom je treba ich objedna a pred pou itím namontova Tento systém sa pou íva keï neexistuje vyfukovaciepotrubienavonokèiniejemo ného nain talova In talácia Fungujúciprístrojmusíby vzdialenýodpracovnej plochy minimálne 65 cm v prípade elektrických platnía75cmvprípadeplynovéhoèimie aného varièa Pozor Odsávanývzduchne...

Page 20: ...igingsveren N die als pinnen van de roosters fungeren Afb 4 Onderhoud Schakel de stroom uit voordat mun onderhoud pleegt Metalen vetfilter Deze vangt de zwevende vetdeeltjes op Heefteenonbegrensdelevensduurenmoetinde vaatwasmachine 65 C of met de hand in lauwwarm sop worden afgewassen De metalen vetfilters moeten minstens eenmaal per maand worden gereinigd Let erop dat het metalen vetfilter niet w...

Page 21: ...ogen rook en damp worden naar buiten geleid via een afvoerpijp Ø120mm die is aangesloten op de verbindingsring aan de bovenkantvandewasemkap Demiddellijnvandeafvoerpijpmoetevengroot zijnalsdievandeverbindingsring De horizontale stukken van de buis moeten enigszinsomhooghellen ongeveer10 omde luchtgemakkelijknaarbuitentevoeren Opgelet Als de wasemkap reeds is voorzien van koolstoffilter dan moet u ...

Page 22: ...appen plaatje binnen de kap Indien van stekker voorzien de afzuigkap aansluitenaaneenstopcontactconformdevan kracht zijnde normen in een bereikbare plaats Indien geen stekker aanwezig is directe aansluiting aan de netvoeding een tweepolen schakelaar volgensdenorm toepassenmeteen openingsafstandtussendecontactennietkleiner dan3mm bereikbaar Iedereaansprakelijkheidvooreventueleschade ofbrandaanhetap...

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