FabIATech Corporation
CAS# Latency (SCLKs)
This field specifies the latency for the Synchronous DRAM system memory signals.
Available Options: 3, 2
Default setting: 3
RAS# to CAS# delay (SCLKs)
This field specifies the length of the delay inserted between RAS and CAS signals of the
Synchronous DRAM system access cycle when SDRAM is installed.
Available Options: 3, 2
Default setting: 3
SDRAM RAS# Precharge (SCLKs)
This field specifies the length of the RAS precharge part of the Synchronous DRAM
access cycle when SDRAM is installed.
Available Options: 3, 2
Default setting: 3
Internal Graphics Mode Select
This field Enable/Disable the internal graphics device and selects the amount of main
memory that is dedicated to support the internal graphics device in VGA (non-linear)
mode only.
Available Options: 512kB, 1MB and Disable
Default setting: 1 MB
Graphics Aperture Size
This field specifies the system memory size that can be used by the Accelerated
Graphics Port (AGP).
Available Options: 32MB, 64MB
Default setting: 64 MB
CPU Latency Timer
This field specifies the latency for the Synchronous DRAM system memory signals.
Available Options: 3, 2