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P a g e
App shows online status locally
and when phone is remote, but
push notifications may be
delayed, or video lag, or showing
“fetching” on video screen.
Insufficient upload speed
/ Poor GSM Signal
Reboot the router and then try
again. Connect to the 4G router
via LAN cable and check the
signal level. If low check with the
coverage via the network
providers website.
Intercom is online and working
even through the application, but
I am receiving no notifications
even for calls! I have checked my
Wi-Fi/Ethernet and the intercom
meets minimum requirements
Incorrect time setting on
the Intercom.
Cycle to the settings menu and
navigate to the clock settings and
press “sync phone time” to sync
the current time from the
cellphone. This should only ever
need done once as the time is
pulled from the server.
I think my intercom is not
functioning correctly.
Firmware/software bug.
Firstly ensure there is no network
or site related issues. To do this
you can connect directly to the
system hotspot while in proximity
of the unit and if the system
operates fine then the local
network and/or site specific
issues are causing the problem.
If the same issue occurs then a
soft reboot can be completed by
cycling to the settings menu and
navigate to the power icon,
pressing this will initiate a soft
reboot. This soft reboot will
remove any open
communications or potential non-
functioning features to be re-
If this issue persists a hard reset
may need to be performed.
Access inside the panel is
required and this will delete all
current data programmed to the
intercom and remove any
additional users etc.
If this still does not fix the
problem this this would suggest a
hardware fault. Please contact
technical support.