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50 frequency values each or 25 sets of two when used in DUO mode, can
be filled by the user with individually selected applications. Each of the 100
banks can be erased or reused.
The mode of operation is new. It resembles the operating mode of modern
electronic devices and it does not take long to get used to the procedure.
The F-SCAN COMPACT DUO is small and mobile. The integrated
rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery powers the device for 3 hours or more of
continued use. The device, its application cable and suitable electrodes are
all that’s needed to run an F-SCAN frequency application almost anywhere.
If an application is selected and started, it will run safe and automatically
with factory set defaults. The user can interfere and adjust the settings of the
signal form, the runtime for each frequency or the level of the signal
amplitude. These user settings remain active either until the user changes
them again, or resets them to the default settings with a touch on a button.
“Soft ramping“ is used to switch from one frequency value to the next to
avoid unwanted discharge impacts for the user. The signal amplitude is
reduced to zero for the frequency exited and raised from zero to the
operating level for the new value.
Power ON and OFF, as well as switches between frequency values and the
end of an application, are signaled acoustically. The device switches OFF
automatically after 2 minutes of inactivity.
The Lithium-Ion battery recharges if the device is connected to a PC or
Notebook with the USB-cable. The latter, and a power supply to plug into
mains – connected with the same USB-cable –, are shipped with the F-
Two generators – DUO MODE
The most important benefit compared to other frequency devices is that the
F-SCAN COMPACT DUO is equipped with a second generator which can
be used to provide a different frequency on another wire of the application
cable. This means: two devices in one. Frequency Specific Microcurrents
FSM applications can easily be generated. When using the device in
standard mode, the second generator creates the same signal as the master
generator. When using in DUO MODE, the second generator outputs the
frequency from the even number of a running program as described in the