Assembly Instructions
1. Slide seat belt loops (1) onto each side of
backrest (2) posts.
2. Insert two back support posts (1) into seat frame
(2) and tighten two hand wheels (3).
3. Insert four caster stems (1) into holes (2) in
the four corners of the bottom of the seat
frame (3). Standard caster stems will provide
normal seat heights. Optional tall caster
stems will provide tall seat heights.
4. Set the seat height by aligning the
caster stem holes (1) with the desired
adjustment holes (2) in the frame and
inserting the locking pin (3) to secure
the caster.
Note: There are only three height settings. DO NOT align the top
hole in the caster stem with the bottom hole in the frame. The top
hole on the caster stem should only be aligned with the top hole in
the frame. The bottom hole in the caster stem can be aligned with
either hole in the commode frame.
5. Insert the anti-tippers (1) into the two anti-
tipper receiver tubes (2) located at the rear of
the seat frame above the casters.
Ensure the push pins (3) have popped
through the set receiver holes.