The serial data is sent to SDO pin twice every A/D conversion cycle. The data format complies with
JIS 7BIT transmission cord with a baud of 2400. The host can use RS-232 interface to read the data.
A single data packed includes a start bit (always 0), 7 data bits, an odd parity check bit, and a stop
bit (always 1). The following figure shows the data format of a single packet. The LSB is sent first
and the MSB is sent last.
One data block consists of 11 packets, or 110 bits. The following figure shows the format of a data block.
The range packet indicates the full scale range of the meter. Digit 3 through digit 0 is just the digits on
the LCD panel. The function packet indicates the measurement mode of the meter. Status, option 1 and
option 2 gives the status of the meter. CR and LF are delimiters used to separate the block.
The meter always outputs the current input value to the serial port. Each block is repeated twice in on
conversion cycle. The detailed data format of each packet is listed below.