EyeLink II User Manual version 2.12
2002-2006 SR Research Ltd.
followed by the x and y resolution values. A fixed resolution value for gaze data
and pupil-position data may be forced by using the "-setres" option in a similar
manner. Forcing use of a preset resolution may allow recovery of data where
system setup was incorrect, or to regularize velocity computations. Suggested
values of forced resolution are 200 to 400 for raw pupil-position data, and 22.0
for gaze-position data. The latter assumes standard system setup (subject's
eyes distant from the display by twice its width) and 640 by 480 pixel display
resolution. Summary of Options
-l or -nr
outputs left-eye data only if binocular data file
-r or -nl
outputs right-eye data only if binocular data file
outputs sample raw pupil position if present
outputs sample HREF angle data if present
outputs sample GAZE data if present (default)
outputs resolution data if present
outputs velocity data in samples if possible
-s or -ne
outputs sample data only
-e or -ns
outputs event data only
blocks output of start events
blocks message event output
outputs only non-eye events (for sample-only
-miss <string> replaces missing data in ASC file with <string>
-setres <xr>
uses a fixed <xr>,<yr> resolution always
-defres <xr>
uses a default <xr>,<yr> resolution if none in
4.9 The ASC File Format
The ASC file format is defined by the type of data lines that appear in it, the
format of these lines, and the order in which these lines occur. Data lines
consist of several types:
Blank or comment lines, which are ignored. The first non-blank
character on a comment line is one of "#", "/" or ";".
File preamble or file-description lines. These begin with "**". Usually
these lines are ignored when processing the ASC file.
Sample data lines. Each line begins with a number, representing the
time of the sample.
Event and data-description lines. Each line begins with a keyword,
identifying the type of data in the rest of the line.
4.9.1 ASC File Structure