EyeLink II User Manual version 2.12
2002-2006 SR Research Ltd.
4.8.1 EDF2ASC
The EDF2ASC utility reads one or more EDF files, creating text files with the
same name but with the ASC extension. It scans the input file, reordering data
as required, and converting samples and events into lines of text. It can also
compute resolutions and instantaneous velocity for sample data. The ASC file
are about twice as large as the original EDF files.
To translate an EDF file, type "edf2asc" followed by the name of the file to be
translated and any conversion options. Wildcards (* and ?) may be used in the
input file name, allowing conversion of multiple EDF files to ASC files with the
same name. Optionally, a second file name can be specified for the output ASC
file. Many options exist for the file conversion. One set of options will be best
for your work, and creation of a single-line batch file (called, for example,
E2A.BAT) will make the use of the translator easier.
4.8.2 Translator Options
The options for EDF2ASC are of 4 types: file selection, sample data, event type,
and general data. These are discussed below, and then summarized in a table
at the end of the section. File Selection
File names for EDF file inputs are specified with the first filename on the
command line. This may have wildcards (* and ?) to specify a set of files. If
more than one file matches the specification, EDF2ASC will prompt for each file
name. Press 'Y' to process the file, 'N' to skip it, 'A' to process all remaining
files, and 'Q' to skip all files.
If a second file name is present in the command line, it will be used to name the
output file. Otherwise, the output file will have the same name as the input file,
with the extension ASC added. This is the default mode if multiple files are to
be translated. By using the "-p" option, a destination directory or alternative
file extension can be specified. The translation of each file may be logged by
creating a list file with the "-d" option. This is useful for recording multiple-file
batch conversions.
Some translation examples are:
Edf2asc trial1
translates "trial1.edf" to "trial1.asc"
Edf2asc trial1 trial1a
translates "trial1.edf" to "trial1a.asc"
Edf2asc trial*
translates "trial1.edf", "trial2.edf" etc. to "trial1.asc",
"trial2.asc" etc.
Edf2asc trial* -p asc
translates "trial1.edf" etc. to "asc\trial1.asc" etc. (in
"asc" subdirectory)