kBox 3 manual
kMeter Module is connected to built-in rotational sensor under the
kBox with the 4-pin connector. kMeter Module is powered with a
standard 9 V battery.
After release in may 2015 all new kBoxes are delivered with a kMeter
Module. kMeter Module sends wireless data over Bluetooth to the
corresponding iOS app, Exxentric kMeter which is downloaded for free
from Apple AppStore. kMeter App uses rotational data and user-input of
inertia to calculate and present power in real-time and a set summary
containing average power for every rep, average power for set, peak
power in CON and ECC for every rep and for set in total, range of
motion, force, no. reps, ave. rep time and energy expenditure. User can
input training data after completed set (exercise, comment and VAS 0-
10 to be used for pain or exertion for example. All data can be stored in
an in-app database for later view in the app or exported to Excel.
Download App
Free download in AppStore
Video overview of app
YouTube: kMeter App 1.0 launch