Zero Toe
Toe Out
Toe In
Zero Toe
Toe Out
Toe In
Adjust in here
Adjust in here
Adjust in here
Adjust in here
Distributed and serviced by: Extreme RC by RSI, Ferndale, MI 48220 P: (586) 757-1336 E: [email protected]
Your model can be customized to enhance speed and performance. Simple adjustments and easily maintained
settings will assure optimum operation and performance. When making adjustments, do so only in small increments
and always check for other parts of the vehicle that are affected. Many aftermarket options are available to make
your R/C vehicle faster and stronger. Please read this section carefully and always make sure to write down base
settings in case you need to refer to them at a later date.
The front steering toe angle has a dramatic effect on how your car performs and how your tires wear. You can have
toe-in, zero toe or toe-out. This can be adjusted by tuning the length of the steering linkage screwbolts as shown in
the figure below. Before tuning, the steering linkage screwbolts should be removed from the vehicle. Measure the
desired length by unscrewing or screwing in. After adjustment is complete, re-install them in the car.
Toe-in will be less reactive and cause the vehicle to
under steer (the front wheels push straight on while
turning). This can be advantageous for operators
struggling to get a tight tire grips with driving the vehicle.
Toe-out will be more aggressive on the steering
response especially on small steering inputs. This will
make the car want to over steer (rear wheels slide on
small steering inputs). This is useful as a race tuning aid
to gain extra steering.
Zero toe will make the front wheels run straight and
make the car very neutral. Tire wear will also be
reduced and the vehicle will feel easier to drive.
Camber can be adjusted on all 4 wheels of the car. You can have negative camber or
positive camber, which will affect the contact patch of the tire both statically and while
cornering. Camber is mainly used to control the wear of the tire. You should adjust the
camber to equal the wear all across the surface of the tire. Camber is adjusted by the
upper linkage screwbolts.
Note: Before tuning, the screwbolts should be removed from the vehicle. Measure the
desired length by unscrewing or screwing in. After adjustment is complete, re-install
them in the car.
This is an example of positive camber. The bottom of the wheel is closer
to the center of the car compared to the top of the wheel. Positive camber
will give less contact area in the corner and less grip. Excessive positive
camber will cause less grip and uneven wear.
This is an example of negative camber. The top of the wheel is closer to
the center of the car compared to the bottom of the wheel. Negative camber
will give more contact area in the corner and more grip. Excessive negative
camber will cause less grip and uneven wear.