Battery Not Charging - Red/Green Indicator Lights On
Check all charger cables.
Verify that they are installed at the correct
polarity on each battery. Verify that all connections are clean and tight.
Read DC Voltage.
With the charger on, read DC voltage at each
battery. If any reading is less than 13 VDC, take the following steps:
1) Disconnect AC power at the 120 VAC outlet.
2) Remove charger cables from batteries
3) Reconnect AC power. Check DC voltage at output cables. If output
voltage is roughly 13.3 VDC, the charger is functioning properly,
proceed to Step 4. If DC output rating is not present, or less than
13.0 VDC, contact Extreme Max™ for service.
4) Test Batteries. Remove AC power and turn off engine. Use a DC
meter or tester to check the charge of each battery. Check each
battery with a hydrometer to find bad cells if there is no charge
level indication. Replace battery sets together and use the same
type of battery.