Center your servo using your
radio. Place a servo arm on the
servo so that at center it sticks
out of the hole at right angles to
the servo mount door.
Run the servo wire through the
wing and screw into place.
1 inch/25mm arm is ideal for
ailerons. 3/4 inch / 20mm arm
for flaps is ideal.
Screw door into place, then
remove the servo mount/door,
and put a drop of thin CA into
the screw holes. Allow a few
seconds to cure and then screw
back into place. This is important
as the doors are actually part of
the servo mount.
Repeat for the other servos in
the wing.
Thread ball links onto the
pushrods. Shorter rods for flaps,
longer are for the ailerons.
As shown, this is easier with a
drill, pair of pliers and 9/32” or
7mm hex bit. You can also put
the ball link in the drill chuck
Use 2mm bolt, nut, and washers
to secure the ball links.