Respect the environment!
Used batteries contain metals that are harmful to the environment, and therefore must be disposed of separately in
special containers.
(figure 1)
Battery type and replacement
To insert/replace the batteries, suffice it to remove the battery protection cover at the back of the handheld (figure 1).
Insert the batteries in accordance with the symbols imprinted on the handheld and on the battery itself.
Three AAA batteries are required for the handheld device to function.
HAndHeld codIng procedUre:
1. disconnect the power supply to the stove.
2. press the
keys at the same time until the UnIT selection screen appears.
3. Using the
keys, select the new UnIT.
4. power the stove. confirm the selected unit within 10 seconds (all leds flash on the radio/emergency card) by pressing the oK key on
the handheld.
5. All leds on the radio/emergency card will remain on for 2 seconds to confirm the new configuration.
6. If the configuration was unsuccessful, the display will read "ApplIAnce noT FoUnd". In this case, repeat the procedure.
The handheld is alReady COnFiGURed wiTh "UniT 0", in The evenT TheRe is anOTheR sTOve. TO avOid
inTeRFeRenCes, a new COnFiGURaTiOn MUsT Be PeRFORMed, MOdiFyinG One OF The TwO sTOves.
SOme radIO FreqUency applIanceS (e.G. mOBIle phOneS, etc...) may caUSe InterFerence wIth
cOmmUnIcatIOn Between the handheld devIce and the StOve.
Respect the environment!
Used batteries contain metals that are harmful to the environment, and therefore must be disposed of separately in
special containers.
lcd handheld remOte
(figure 1)