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Bargraph Voltage Display
The bargraph represents the voltage present on the test leads as it rises, soaks, and decays. The
bargraph appears on the lower left of the display window during a test.
Automatic Under/Over Range Resistance Detect
If the display shows the message “LOW M-ohms”, the test should be interrupted immediately by
pressing the
button. This message indicates that the insulation under test has broken down
and the meter is trying to inject a high potential onto a short circuit. If ‘HIGH’ appears, it is likely
that the test configuration is open. Check the test set-up and then test again.
Elapsed Timer
The test duration is indicated on the display. This is particularly useful in determining whether an
insulating material under test will break down in a given amount of time.
Manual Test STOP
To stop a test in progress, press the
button. The test will immediately end and the system
will automatically discharge.
Automatic Test STOP
When in the default Enersave
mode, the test automatically stops in 5 seconds. When not in
the Enersave
mode the test automatically stops after approx. 10 minutes.
Live Circuit Warning
If the test leads are connected to a live circuit (approx. 500V), a warning beeper will sound and
the meter will display “Live Warning…Circuit Live…” In this case, correct the problem and retest.
Automatic Discharge
At the end of a test, the meter automatically discharges the high voltage. The automatic
discharge status is reflected on the display. During discharge the beeper will sound and, when
completely discharged, the HOLD icon will appear on the display.
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