4-Port SATA3 RAID/HyperDuo PCIe(x2) Card
two pairs of drives are striped. Each pair mirrors the data on
the other pair of striped drives. The data capacity is similar to a
standard mirroring array with half of total capacity dedicated
for redundancy.
5.6 HyperDuo
The HyperDuo mode in combination with a SATA HDD and a SSD,
offering a breakthrough embedded technology for new-generation
6Gb/s SATA controllers, enabling 80 percent of the performance of a
solid state drive (SSD) at one-third the cost. Configured with one hard
drive and one SSD, HyperDuo uses intelligent algorithms to
automatically migrate hot data to the SSD, while enabling all data to
be safely stored on a larger capacity SATA HDD.
HyperDuo enables two modes: Safe Mode and Capacity Mode. Both
modes automatically identify LBA ranges across both the SSD and
HDD so that the user experience is exactly the same. By allowing
consumers to view the same single drive volume (eg. Data (D:) ) as
they do today, HyperDuo requires no behavioral changes by
consumers to maximize simplicity and eliminates user error.
5.6.1 HyperDuo: Safe Mode
Safe Mode provides optimal data protection by mirroring data from
the SSD to the hard disk for maximum resiliency.