Pin 4 (DATA) is used to transmit data during the programming. Pin 5 (MUTE) is used to switch off the
radio module during the programming, and is therefore connected to Mass (Pin3) at the
Programming cable.
Display window with status LEDs
Beneath the Display window, 2 Status LEDs are visible. The green LED indicates wether theignition
channel is connected, whereas the red LED indicates the battery voltages during startup; during use
it shows if radio signals are received.
(optional) Red LED after activation
5x fast Flashing
Switched channel
Red LED during activation
3x Flashing
Battery full
2x Flashing
Battery still usable
1x Flashing
Battery must be changed
Red LED during use
3x Flashing
Testsignal received
1x Flashing
Ignition signal received
Permanent Flashing
Battery must be replaced
Green LED during use
LED on
Channel is connected
LED off
Channel open
Using the RX-1K
To switch on the device, use the supplied 2 pole terminal block with attached cable. This terminal
block is attached to Pin 1 and Pin 2 of the programming socket (see 2.2.3).
Alternatively, an external power source can also be used (see 2.2.3)
Switching off
To deactivate the Device, simply remove the terminal block (or external power supply).