3. Control:
After the setup, the gasprojetor can be switched on, and be controlled via the DMX mix
table. As wanted we are using channel 3, meaning that the following channel (Channel4)
is the one used to set the opening time.
Of course you can control more CO²-Jets with the mix table. Simply connect the DMX output
(DMX OUT) with the DMX input (DMX IN) of the following CO²-Jet.
It is not possible to charge the devices using the DMX socket. Therefore, if you wish to
charge all devices at once, you must connect the Master IN to the Master OUT / Charger
sockets as well, using a 3 pole XLR cable.
Further informations about the handling and correct use, as well the connection of CO²-
bottles, you can find the Gasprojector manual.
All safety notes of the CO²-Jet manual are
also true for this manual!
Channel 3
Opening time
channel 4
The Flash-Button can also be used to
ignite the device!