SMTP server name of ISP
ThinConnect4 IP Address
“User Name”
registered in ThinConnect4
registered in ThinConnect4
7.4.2 Setup mailer using E-Mail Sharing function
This section describes setup procedures for each individual PC using E-Mail Sharing
function featured in the ThinConnect4.
Follow the setup sequence outlines below.
• POP3 (Incoming mail) Server
Enter ThinConnect4 IP Address.
• Accounts
Enter “User Name”. This is the registered user from
Item 4 on page 114.
• Password
Enter “Password”. This is password for the registered
user from Item 4 on page 114.
Setup example for “Outlook Express”
Click “Accounts” in “Tools” menu in the startup window. Click “Mail” tab.
Select the account you want to setup and click the “Properties” button.
Click the “Server” tab. The window mentioned will be shown. Please
enter as follows:
Remark: The value in the above window is only for reference.
Please enter the appropriate setting to meet your environment