MANUGENETOP5xxG - Version 1.05
© 2015-2019 EXOR International S.p.A. - Subject to change without notice
Voltage dips, short interruptions and
voltage variations immunity test
Port: AC mains; Level:
100% duration:
1 cycle and 250 cycles (50Hz);
1 cycle and 300 cycles (60Hz);
40% duration:
10 cycles (50Hz);
70% duration:
25 cycles (50Hz);
Phase: 0°-180°
Test executed on the 230Vac side of the Exor International S.p.A. Power Supply EN 61000-4-11
Durability information
Backlight service life
40000 Hrs. or more
(LED type)
(Time of continuos operation until the brightness of the
backlight reaches 50% of the rated value when the
sorrounding air temperature is 25°C) - see Note 1
Note 1: Extended use in environments where the surrounding air temperature is 40°C or higher may degrade
backlight quality/reliability/durability.
3 Technical Specifications