2. Deep discharge
Possible causes of deep discharge:
• consuming equipments not switched off
• leakage discharge in the milliampere region in spite of
the main switch being switched off, e.g.
– caused by an electromagnetic isolation valve in the
heating system
– caused by a solar controller (output)
– caused by the on-board control panel
– caused by silent consumers (e.g. clock, signal lamps,
LED displays)
Silent consumers can have a current consumption of
approx. 55 milliamperes. This means that approx. 1.32
Ah is taken from the battery during one day. Thus a fully
charged 80 Ah on-board battery will be completely
discharged after about 2 months.
Possible consequential damage:
Despite recharging, only a fraction of the theoretical char-
ge capacity remains available for withdrawal.
In the worst case, the battery is already destroyed by a
short-circuit in one of the battery cells.
supply battery to fail?