Notice d’utilisation: NSX 1500
Table de mixage 3+1 canaux
For making audio signal connections, always remember that good and reliable
connections are a basic requirement for good sound and reliable operation. Bad
soldering of cables can result in intermittent audio signals or temporarily lost ground
connections, hence always use good cables. In case of doubt about making proper
connections, please see check the standard pin assignments required for proper
operation in the appendix of this manual.
It is also essential that high-gain inputs are terminated properly to avoid excess noise
contribution. Specifically, this applies to the PHONO inputs. If these inputs are not used
nd the sensitivity is switched to “PHONO”, the inputs shall be terminated with the
supplied termination plugs (as factory-inserted at delivery).
Powering up
Following a proper power-up sequence protects your equipment
– specifically speakers
– and your ears. Follow the below procedure:
Turn down all output volume controls of any equipment in your audio system.
Switch on your audio sources first (Turntables, CD Players, PC’s with
soundcards, Tapedecks, etc.)
Switch on the audio mixer
Switch on any audio processor between the mixer and the amplifier(s) [if any].
Switch on the amplifier(s).
Turn up the audio level on your sources if such controls are provided.
Set the audio output of your mixer to a low level.
Set the audio output of any audio processor between the mixer and the
amplifier(s) to a medium level [if any such processors].
Turn up the volume controls of your amplifier(s) slowly.
Make adjustments to all volume settings as needed.
For switching off, follow the inverse sequence
– always switch off your amplifier(s) first,
then any processors between mixer and amplifier(s), then the mixer, then the sources.
Apart from using good equipment, good sound comes from using it correctly. Level
setting mistakes are one of the common reasons why even good equipment may not
perform as desired. For setting levels, please be reminded that two guidelines need to
be followed:
Avoid distortion by leaving some headroom. Never overrun any audio-
equipment’s inputs. Level meters and displays allow you to make sure that
signals do not enter critical levels.
Avoid unnecessary amplification by using as little attenuation as possible. For
example, if you turn down the input gain of a mixer to minimum, and then
increase the main output of the mixer to maximum to drive your amplifier
properly, you will create unnecessary noise, as you first dispose of some
already existing signal level, and then later apply amplification (tainted with
noise) to make it up.