Excel Dryer ThinAir TA-ABS Installation And Owner'S Manual Download Page 3

E X C E L   D R Y E R ,   I N C           1 . 4 1 3 . 5 2 5 . 4 5 3 1           1 . 8 0 0 . 2 5 5 . 9 2 3 5   ( U S / C N )           E X C E L D R Y E R . C O M

A D M I N @ E X C E L D R Y E R . C O M           3 5 7   C H E S T N U T   S T R E E T,   E A S T   L O N G M E A D O W,   M A   0 1 0 2 8

2 / 2 0 2 1


R E A D  A N D   S AV E   T H E S E   I N S T R U C T I O N S


Dryer does not turn on 

1.   Check power to the unit and connections. Verify dryer is receiving  


correct voltage at Terminal Block (check Dryer listed voltage). 

2.   Check RED service LED light for the following:


 Light is ON

 – Place hands under Sensor for 10 sec. If light stays 

on, check Sensor connection at control. If OK, replace Sensor or 

Control. If light goes off and then flashes a code, see error codes in 

CODE chart. If light still stays on, replace Control.


 Light is OFF

 – Check for loose, disconnected or improper wiring 

(See wiring schematic inside dryer Cover), or replace Control 



 Light is FLASHING

 – See error codes in CODE chart.



 If dryer will not turn on, stays on, 

or stops working, it may be mounted too close to a counter or object 

and has gone into lockout. If relocating appliance is not possible, 

adjust the range of the Sensor. Turn off power to dryer then turn the 

range adjustment on the Control Assembly counterclockwise towards 
L (-) low to decrease Sensor range.

Dryer does not shut off 

1.   May be mounted too close to a counter or object (adjust Sensor 


2.   Check for loose, disconnected or improper wiring (Refer to wiring 

schematic affixed to blower housing).

3.   Replace  Control  Assembly.

Dryer does not always turn on or turns on by itself 

1.    May be mounted too close to counter or object (adjust Sensor 


2.   Check for foreign material on Optical Sensor next to Air Outlet.
3.   Check for loose wires on Control Assembly.
4.   Replace  Control  Assembly.

Dryer heats up but no air comes out 

1.   Check wire connections to Motor.
2.   Replace  Motor.

Dryer blows only cold air 

1.   Check heat setting on control.
2.   Check for loose connections to Heating Element.
3.   Replace Heating Element.

Dryer has a loss of air volume 

1.   Check motor speed setting on control.
2.   Check for blockage at nozzle air outlet.
3.  Check Dryer Pre-Filter for lint buildup. Check HEPA pre-filter  


(if so equipped). Clean by removing Pre-Filter and rinse in warm 


water then dry before reinstalling. A clogged filter code may be  


present in the sensor.

4.  After cleaning Pre-Filter, check HEPA Filter (if so equipped).   


If dirty, replace HEPA Filter. DO NOT RINSE HEPA FILTER.


The dryer is shipped with maximum heat and maximum motor speed. To adjust, 

turn the corresponding knob COUNTERCLOCKWISE to reduce.

H = Heat          M = Motor          R = Range

If problem cannot be resolved with the above, please call the manufacturer at 1-800-255-9235 

and one of our trained technicians will be happy to assist you.


Codes are displayed by flashing the red LED in the sensor behind air outlet. Normal operation will be indicated by the red LED 

being on when not drying and off when hands are under the sensor.

Dryer Maintenance Codes

1 Short / 1 Long flash

Clogged Pre-Filter, or if 

equipped clogged HEPA Filter

Remove and clean Pre-Filter or 

if clean, replace HEPA filter

Dryer will still run

1 Short / 2 Long flashes

Severely Clogged Filter, or if 

equipped clogged HEPA Filter

Remove and clean Pre-Filter or 

if clean, replace HEPA filter

Dryer will stop

2 Short / 1 Long flash

In lockout mode

Remove obstruction or adjust 

sensor range

Dryer stops until obstruction cleared or  

sensor range is adjusted

Motor Problem Codes

1 Long / 3 Short flashes

Motor over current

Measure voltage across the 

terminal block. If OK, replace 


Dryer will stop

1 Long / 4 Short flashes

Motor under current

Measure voltage across the 

terminal block. If OK, replace 


Dryer will stop

Heater Problem Codes

2 Long / 3 Short flashes

Shorted or incorrect heater

Replace heating element

Dryer will stop
