Safety provisions
The safety provisions will protect the user against contact with moving, electrical
or hot parts. Some of these have to be provided by the installer. There are several
safety provisions:
• Cover or panel (obligatory): covers moving parts and electrical connections.
The installer MUST provide a self-made cover or place the wiper behind a panel.
• Make sure the wiper has enough ventilation when placing it behind a panel or cover.
• Place a fuse (see specifi cations) sized to protect the motor.
Safety requirements
Before the Exalto wiper is installed, we strongly recommend the following:
• Read the entire manual before installation.
• Make sure your working environment as well as the wiper parts are clean.
• Check to be sure no parts are missing or damaged.
• Use only high quality tools and have them within reach when installing.
• Handle the parts with care.
• Never install or maintain the wiper with the electrical voltage applied, unless this is
specifi cally mentioned in the manual.
• Clear your tools after installation.
Exalto type 223BS