Exalt Communications, Inc.
EX-5r Installation & Management
the secondary file location, you may wish to download these files first before
uploading new files.
Downloading files is a two-step process. You must first select the type of file to download, select
the DOWNLOAD button and wait for the radio to prepare the file for download. A second
page/link will appear as shown below. Follow the instructions on the page to download the file.
Figure 5-13: File Transfer Page
Figure 5-14: Download File Link
File download and upload can be useful if you are configuring several radios to very similar
settings. Also, for record-keeping, a copy of the configuration file can help restore the radio to
the original installed settings. In addition, a copy of the Exalt default configuration file can be
helpful to re-configure the radio to factory settings.
If copying the same configuration file into multiple radios, some care needs to be taken, because
some parameters will match that may be undesirable. However, it can be easier to change just a