1.2. Multi-light working in the same time
When using controller to control multi lights to work in strobe, the controller just send the channel data . The
strobe effect will be depend on each light itself . And please take attention for the follow situation:
1. There will be many situations make the lights are not synchronization in the beginning. (For example: the
different time of opening the light , or different time of them connect to the controller) .In this case, you can
change value of the controller( for example push 20 to 0, and back to 20), then it can be synchronization.
2. Due to crystal frequency of different lights are not the same exactly, so it may not be synchronization
after long time.
3. If need to keep synchronization for long time, there are two ways to do so:
A. Using the controller to edit program make the strobe, auto run effect,then they must be synchronization.
B. Using the Maser/Slave model
2. Operation
2.1. Key-operation
The first list is the main menu (press MENU to exchange), the
second list is vice menu (press ENTER to get in or exchange)
If the menu include the decimal point, that’s the data, and can
be set by the Key of Up/Donw.
Key operation
Key of “MENU” (Press it and can save the data)
If it’s the main menu, it will exchange to next main menu.
If it’s the vice menu, it will back to main menu.
Key of “ENTER” (Press it and can save the data)
If it’s the main menu and it have vice menu, it will enter the
vice menu.
If it’s the vice menu, it will exchange to the next vice menu.
Key of “UP/DOWN”
It’s no function if the menu not include the decimal point.
If the menu include the decimal point, it can set the data after
the decimal point. And it need
press “ENTER” to save the