Functional characteristics
Welding programs
31 AC balance (optimise cleaning effect and penetration characteristics)
It is important to choose the right time relationship (balance) between the positive phase (cleaning effect,
balled end size) and the negative phase (penetration depth). This may differ from the factory setting de-
pending on the material and task. This requires the AC balance setting. The default setting (factory set-
ting, zero setting) of the balance is 65 % and always refers to the negative half-wave. The positive half-
wave is adjusted accordingly (negative half-wave = 65 %, positive half-wave = 35 %).
Figure 5-9 AC amplitude balance
As with AC balance, durations (balance) for positive phase and negative phase are set for AC amplitude
balance. The balance changes in terms of the current amplitude.
Figure 5-10
The AC amplitude balance can be set in the Expert menu (TIG) using parameter
> see 5.2.12 chapter
Increasing the current amplitude in the positive half-wave facilitates the cleaning effect and the
cracking of the oxide layer.
Raising the negative current amplitude increases the penetration.