or use a cane or other walking assistive equipment. Use your upper body to assist your legs in lifting you. Lift
slowly and pause for a few moments if you feel unsteady. Stand for a few minutes before moving further.
Regular Maintenance
Always check your scooter for normal operation, loose parts, and defects before operating. If you find a problem,
have it repaired before operating.
Keep your scooter clean and dry. Do not use a high-pressure water sprayer to clean the scooter. If you wash your
scooter, use a damp sponge or cloth, and dry the scooter thoroughly before operating. Do not immerse any
components in water.
Always check your scooter for wear or damage to the tires before operating.
Keep tires inflated to their recommended tire pressure at all times. Regularly check tires for wear, cracks, nails, or
other damage. Keep tires clean and replace them when damaged. Failure to maintain the tires at the
recommended tire pressure will cause premature wear, and failure to maintain the tires could lead to damage or
personal injury.
Use Within a Motor Vehicle
Do not sit in or operate your scooter in a motor vehicle such as a train, bus, or large van. Stow or rack your scooter
according to t
he motor vehicle’s guidelines before entering or when entering the motor vehicle. Never sit in your
scooter while it is on or in a motor vehicle which is operating or in motion.
Do not use automotive batteries with your scooter. Always charge
your scooter’s batteries in a well
area. eWheels recommends that you periodically charge your batteries, such as once a month, when your scooter
is not in regular use. Ensure the switch is in the off position when the batteries are charged. Ensure that the power
plug is inserted and plugged firmly into the battery during charging. Do not use an extension cord while charging
the batteries. Do not use a battery which is cracked, leaking, or otherwise damaged. Do not use your scooter if the
battery is cracked, leaking, or otherwise damaged. Keep tools and other metal elements away from the contact
terminals of the batteries. Remove the batteries when transporting your scooter.
Modifications to the Scooter
Do not disassemble or modify your scooter on your own. Do not remove or disable any element or feature of your
scooter. Do not modify the programmable controller governing the scooter’s electric, electronic, and electro
mechanical operations. While there are a wide range of after-market products available to modify and alter
scooters, some may make your scooter more dangerous to operate or may impair your ability to operate the
scooter safely. eWheels makes no claim or warranty as to the safety, effectiveness, and operability of any
aftermarket product added to your scooter, or as to any modification you make or have made to your scooter,
which are not performed by eWheels or eWheels approved vendors. eWheels is not responsible for damage to the
scooter or personal injury caused by disassembly, modification, or other alteration of your scooter.